There is so many scammers that someone shouted "PERSON IS SKEMMER" and also the other belive that the person is the scammer
even though he did nothing to scam.
this happend to my friend TheNewCowboy
Re: scammers?
for your information TheNewCowboy scammed my friend MasterWhip- so you just need to stfu and get off forum with this bullcrap nub >:(
Re: scammers?
i do know of a scammer. his name is him_123 he scammed me out of an acc and around 350k coins. so dont trust him_123 at all if u dont wanna be scammed. he also proceeded to scam someone else out of his acc (he never said which acc) then gave him my acc. also, he hacks in pvp hes a pit skemmer and normal skemmer thats how he got all his gear.
Lets scam some scammers