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Eliatopia's numerous problems + ideas to fix them

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:06 pm
by MaxBlue01
Hello. I wanted to share several problems about the game. Some of those problems were noticed ever since Helmet Heroes and have yet to be corrected. There is A LOT to read, so feel free to do multiple reading sessions. For most problems, i will propose one or more ideas to either fix the issue or to improve a feature. Those problems aren't just blind complaints about an angry kid. Some of them were noticed by several players (including high level players), and i believe to be common sense, comparing to the gaming industry (and from personal experience as a player).

Problem list:

Major problems:

1) Broken economy
2) Underpowered equipments
3) Major difficulty spikes
4) Item looting
5) Archer controls
6) Guns statistics
7) Whipmaster hitboxes
8) About skills
9) About bargain bins
10) About vending machines
11) About drone donation
12) About player number restrictions
13) About nature factory
14) About wishing well mechanic
15) New payvault: coin magnet

Minor problems:

16) Crafting materials
17) Rune stones
18) Platforming
19) Areas shortcuts
20) Mount problems
21) Experience gauge
22) About the ice cave
23) About the story

1) Broken economy:
First let me tell you about an experiment i did. I used my lvl 17+ archer to grind 15 min in sewers (with dumtilian). The coin i got was 4.5k (not counting any loot, and at best it would be 1-3k). I would like to point out i had max coin boost skill, that i was fairly expermimented in terms of gameplay (yes i will addmit it wasn't my first account), and that i didn't died. The conclusions for this little experimant are:
> in 1 hour, an experimented player can get around 18k. (If he stays at the sewers)
> realistically, a normal/new player will probably get between 10k and 15k per hour. This could heavily depend on your class and how many times you die.

Now let's check the typical equipments for archer at around lvl 17 in the shops:
- opal bow (lvl 16): 25k
- opal set (lvl 17): 42k each (without shoes)
- tengu set (lvl 13): 11k each
- ground boots (lvl 16): 45k (only availible at a later area)
total price: 196k (if taking opal set)

Even if we assume a normal player manage to do 15k per hour, you are still going to grind 13 hours, during which you are very likely to level up more. So by the time you gain 200k, you will be at something like lvl 25 to 30, well above the previous equipment. There is a clear problem about equipment level balance. What's the point of having required levels if you can't even afford it until you are 10 levels higher?
The facts are: enemy strength increase a lot, item shop prices increase exponentially, and the coin revenue is nowhere close to match those prices. It takes at first 3 times more effort (in the first areas), and late game is much worse (maybe 10 times more effort? even more?)

I believe shops prices should be based on the effort to gain money on the current level/areas, not based on a formula using defence and attack stats (which use exponential terms). No, it isn't right or fair to grind just 10k per hour at around lvl 30 when ONLY 1 equipment at this level cost 200k+ (the full set costing more than 800k, with shoes at later areas) then you can likely add 150k to 300k for weapon + accessory. The total cost right now would be around 1M, making a total of 100 hours grind at around the same area. And during this grind, you are likely to level up enough to reach more equipments... costing much more... All of this to say: the gameplay is SLOW and tedious. This isn't entertaining for lot of players.

It's very simple to fix honnestly if we are willing to change how shop prices are made: if you earn 10k per hour at lvl 30, then lvl 30 equipments should be around 50k each (total armor: 200k. weapons + accesorry: 40k to 75k. total budget: around 250k, which is about 25 hours grind in total, with 4 hours to buy 1 equipment). I think the game would flow much better if a player can upgrade their equipments at least once every few days of normal gameplay (aka playing at most 1-2 hours per day for the NORMAL player), not only once each month (probably exagerated, but you get the idea)...

I know, if Robby suddenly decide to change the shops prices, lot of people will gt angry, because they will lose tons of profit. But it's about time we face reality. This game is NOT new-player friendly. Only people with several millions of coins can actually enjoy the game to the full extent (by killing/1-shotting defenceless players at PvP, like it was a great accomplishment or anything, among other things). The more we wait, the more damage it gets. There is a reason people ask to FIX something: because something is wrong. What you want to see for the future of the game? A 20 players game at lvl 200+ elites who have tons of money, with no one else to play? Or a growing game who can reach thousands of players online (like a "normal" MMORPG because the game become more and more attractive for new players, and allow good overall progression?

2) Underpowered equipments: Speaking of equipment, for what the items currently cost, getting just 10 defence and 1 attack for an increasing price doesn't seem right. There is no excuse that gaining those stats take 200k per equipment, then somthing like 1M... I don't think you can tell a major difference from those small stats changes. This become more and more true the higher equipment level you get. The enemies strength increase very quickly, meanwhile the armors is nowhere close to keep up. Armors should try to match enemy power as closely as possible.

On the subject, i don't know how much of a difference 1 attack or defence point do. I can have several thousands of final defence output, yet still take some damage (not poison) to enemies like stalagmite (who "only" 44 power). It is unclear what all those stats really means and how they affect eachother, making it hard to see if upgrading a stat is a good idea or not, compared to the enemy you want to fight. Maybe tell all the players the damage formula in details? Or make it so that it's more evident, more obvious.

3) Major difficulty spikes: With a normal gameplay, i feel like the player reach some huge difficulty spikes tha seem unfair for the player. Here are the ones i noticed:

- the 1st cave is tough, but can be managed with some skills. However the part with 4 stalagmites grouped very close in a narrow area
doesn't seem fair (area 38). It can be skipped if no other player is here and if the player run from left to right. But if you fail, you are very likely to die here, since you are unlikely to kill 1 stalagmite easily, let alone 4 at once. I suggest removing few stalagmites spawns spots at this area, and making the passage more clean.

- after alion, we find some normal enemies: puff monster, great frog, leafling and scorpee (i will refer those enemies as the "group 1"). Those
monsters seem fine for the normal player. The problem is what comes next: auroch beetle, and mandrake.
> auroch beetles are MUCH stronger than the enemies from the group 1. You can easily tank several hits from enemies in group 1, yet suddenly die in 1-3 hit from the beetle. Also, the beetles stuns you, making it harder to escape. I feel like this enemy should be less powerful and less tanky for the normal players. A sudden huge power gap like that isn't fair.

> mandrake: now that's just a broken and unfair enemy. The fire damage is way too strong for the location (mandrake deal 79 normal attack + 79 fire attack, compared to batling that deal 10 attack + 31 fire attack), making it near impossible to go near it for some classes, granted it is not very resistant. Another huge problem about those mandrake, is that the moment they spawn, they IMMEDIATELY use fire against you, leaving you no time to escape. You see no enemy on your path and try to run, but suddenly a mandrake appear suddenly without warning and burn you. And at that point, in most cases, you already know you are dead (unless you put like 50 defence points + have grinded hundred of hours before to get good armor). I also think the fire range is way too big. All of these problems make passing nature factory a pain for the normal player. How to fix that? Well, nerf fire damage a lot, reduce fire range, fix the mandrake spawns (so it doesn't auto use fire immediately), make a fairly long animation before they actually use fire (like seeing the mandrake is preparing to use fire). I'm personally fine if they become slightly more resistant too (as long as it's reasonable) if those nerfs happen. I would rather want a fair enemy rather than something that can come from trolls games...

- after the ice cave, there are the feral beasts that are WAY too fast, literally faster than any player, which doesn't seem fair. I believe you should always be able to outrun enemies if you think you can't beat them (i didn't said all enemies should move like a snail). Knowing you are dead because suddenly an enemy spotted you, considering you could always get away against any other enemy before, is just not a good game design. That surprise isn't the kind of fair thing to do in an RPG. It should get a speed nerf imo.

4) Item looting: Considering HH experience, i don't see why anti-loot stealing measures isn't in the game. Just like HH, if you have full inventory and a good drop appear, you are vulnerable to loot stealing. We really need like 10 seconds when no one else but you can take the loot (for whoever
deal the most damage to an enemy). Same goes for coin drops. For boss fights, the drops can be limited to the same drop(s) for everyone, and each
player only see one item dropped, meaning each player will get one drop(s) (preventing only 1 player getting the boss drops when several players fought.)

5) Archer control: when i'm playing archer, i find it very hard to use the skill "arrow hoard" effectively. Moving to dodge enemy / get into a better position (arrows or WASD + running if you are) AND aiming with mouse AND pressing the skill key (B key) seem too much for just 2 hands. There really should be a way to keybind controls. Maybe using the right mouse button too? Or using the skil with a duble click? (like whipmaster skill). This is especially important in PvP fights, where movement is important.

6) Guns statistics: i'm not sure if this is the right way to calculate the base damage for the guns weapons, but what i did was:
(shot power) x (shots/minute).
I'm also assuming that if you do a dual wielding of the same gun, i'm expecting to get x2 damage per minute. Here are a few weird results:

kriss vector: pow 26, 327 shots, lvl 14 (2 hands) (total damage: 8 502/min)
blunderbuss: pow 30, 133 shots, lvl 15 (2 hands) (total damage: 3 990/min) (x2 weaker than previous gun, despite being 1 lvl higher)

sniper rifle: pow 40, 156 shots, lvl 20 (2 hands) (total damage: 6 240/min)
pellet spitter: pow 38, 514 shots, lvl 23 (2 hands) (total damage: 19 532/min) (x3 stronger, with just 3 more levels)

reapers edge: pow 67, 211 shots, lvl 35 (2 hands) (total damage: 14 137/min)
rayon gun: pow 80, 240 shots, lvl 42 (2 hands) (total damage: 19 200/min) (both weaker than pellet spitter, despite much higher lvl)

skullzer: pow 86, 257 shots, lvl 46 (2 hands) (total damage: 22 102/min) (the 1st 2 hand gun stronger than pellet spitter, with only + 2 500 total dmg after 23 lvl...)
saw zooka: pow 172, 128 shots, lvl 86 (2 hands) (total damage: 22 016/min) (barely any power change after 40 lvl... Also the last gun before 1.0.0 update)

pure bone magnum: pow 135, 211 shots, lvl 71 (2 hands) (total damage: 28 485/min) (strongest 2 hand gun BEFORE 1.0.0 update.)
mini rayon gun: pow 57, 257 shots, lvl 39 (1 hand) (total damage: 14 649/min) (total damage with 2 guns: 29 298/min)
(if using 2 guns, does MORE total damage than the lvl 71 2 handed gun, which is 30+ lvl higher)
saw pistol: pow 105, 276 shots, lvl 74 (1 hand) (total damage: 28 980/min) (total damage with 2 guns: 57 960/min)
arguably the strongest gun before 1.0.0 update.) (if using 2 guns: does much more total damage compared to the pure bone magnum.
Keep in mind it cost more)

I think i gave enough exemples about how unbalanced and random guns stats are. Do note i'm not considering runes power (especially poison), so i'm not sure how the runes affect the total damage. But guns stats clearly need to be fixed to motivate players from buying actual better guns, instead of using random numbers stats. (Which often mislead people, thinking higher level = stronger). I'm fine to consider different playstyles for guns (rapid fire but weak bullets, moderate speed + moderate damage, or low speed but strong bullets), but the total damage should match the actual equipment level. Right now it's pretty much pellet spitter spam everywhere for gunmans.

As i mentionned, those results come from before 1.0.0. I do NOT know the content of 1.0.0 new equipment. But from the few comments i saw about it, it seems like they aren't worth to buy, further proving my point.

7) Whipmaster hitboxes: I feel like the normal whip attack hitboxes are very weird, especially when attacking top left and bottom right. It doesn't feel like you are hitting far. The visual tip hit seem misplaced, like you can clearly see the light touching the enemy, yet the enemy taking no damage. And no, i'm not talking about server delays or lag. I think fix whip hitboxes, as well as visually make the whip reach longer in those directions. (I understand that due to perspective, those directions will appear shorter, but i strongly doubt it's supposed to be THAT short. Like in 2 directions, the enemy is near the middle between your character and the game border, and for the 2 other directions, the enemy need to be almost touching you)

8) About skills: First, there are lot of skills that doesn't make sense and make the game unfair:

general skills:
- not sure who thought it was a good idea to add "sacrifice" skills in a "MMORPG", but it's a bad idea. Leave that idea to rogue games. it's already hard enough (and way too tedious) to progress in the game. Don't make it worse. No, the problem isn't the game lying to people (there IS a skill description if people would read). For me, those skills should NOT exist at all (i will addmit coin sacrifice is arguably fine, but the rest is NOT fine, considering how expansive equipment is currently and how much you gain, as analysed before)

warrior skills:
- there are several warriors skills that involves sacrificing a stat (either defence or speed). Most skills are just making warriors more glass cannon than anything. Warrior skills kinda lack skills that increases those stats (more normal defence, more speed), and right now, the game only push one playstyle, which is YOLO attack. I don't know what should be the final stats change if everything is maxed.

Another idea is to maybe make some skills paths limitation? (i have ths idea from the game Bloons Tower Defence 6: each tower have 3 upgrades paths, but you can only upgrade 2 of these path for each tower, locking the 3rd path. Also, you can fully upgrade only 1 path, the 2nd path wil be locked after some upgrades). This can allow different playstyles for warrior: real medium damage + defence, YOLO attack, tank warrior, evasive warrior, ...

archer skills: i don't see how it is fair that only archer have increased coins and loot chance. I admit that increased coins is a bit
negligeable currently in late game, but the extra loot chance is unfair. It basically forces players to use archer class to farm loot and nothing else. Those skills should be under "general" for everyone.

wizard skills: just like HH, storm cloud seem too OP in eliatopia PvP, since it auto target (+ big area coverage). I suggest the game shows WHERE the lightning will strike precisely before striking (marker on ground), like 2 seconds before the attack.

I also feel like some skills should have a visual time cooldown to prevent spam, like power smash, arrow hoard, grenades, trap roll (also have a trap limit to prevent trap spawn camping in PvP, or diasble traps near spawns points), tornado, snakes.
Another skill category with problems are the active effects skills. They need a "vulnerable" time for some skills, like rage, leaf guard, magic shield, drone. This is to prevent infnite boosts / protection / support). For exemple, once your rage end, you can't activate it for like 15 seconds (just to give you the idea).

Lastly, as i said before, coin boost become very useless in late game. here is an idea to rework the skill:
old version (max lvl 5): each enemy get + 5 coins (flat)
new version (max lvl 5): each enemy get +15 coins (flat) OR + 10% coins, depending on which one gives more money.
(each level give +3 flat coin or +2% coins)
Again, i want this skill (and "more loot chance") to be under "general" skills category.

9) About bargain bins: The bargain bins system is currently unusable: most of them have mechanical wings, plasma gun or manipulator set parts. Pretty sure very few players are going to buy them. Here is how i propose to rework them:
- remove the ability to put an item in the bin (you will see why after)
- each bin propose 5 different various equipment items (weapons and armor. Early game, there are a lot of different items. The number can be lower for later areas, since there will be less items). You can buy only one of each item. The bin's inventory is independant per player: everyone can buy the same item during the availibility time (no "come first, served first").
-the levels of those equipments should be close to what we expect for the area:
area 2: lvl 1-5 (lvl numbers are for exemple. just understand the idea)
area 21: lvl 10-15
area 38: lvl 20-30
area 57: lvl 25-35
area 61: lvl 40-55
- each bin's inventory change every 24 hours (or a little longer, maybe?)
- because it would now make bargain bin much more usefull, i propose to make the bargain price 50% or 60% of shop price. This is ASSUMING the shops prices doesn't change. I still think shops prices should change. If they do, this bargain bin idea should be adapted)

10) About vending machines: Let me at least thank Robby for making this feature free , which *is* a good improvement from HH (back then it required lot of tickets) and did favored players interactions. That being said, the system can be improved by much more. There are several games with this system (or something similar) that do it much better.

From my personal experience, let me talk about a FREE mobile/steam game called "Pixel Worlds" (MMO sandbox with some activities). I will skip most of the contents and talk about the feature called Pixel World Exchange (aka PWE), with several ideas that can be implemented in Eliatopia. in this PWE:
- you can search for a SPECIFIC item (with his name). No more slow scrolling through several random placed items to see if you see what you search.
- you can sort by the PRICE (also by quantity, but less usefull in eliatopia). You can immediately see which item is the best offer.
- you can check the PREVIOUS sales, knowing if you are overbuying or not.
- you can make an order for a specific item + price. You want to buy a specific gun for 100k? Just make the order, then wait for an answer.
If someone else see your order and is interessed by the offer, he can give you the asked item immediately and he will receive the price you put immeditely, much like a live trade. After some time, if there is no answer, the money you wanted to give for the item goes back to your account (in the ATM in eliatopia)

Another thing to note about PWE: if you try to sell an item, but no one is buying it, the item RETURNS to your inventory, allowing you to sell it again immediately after. I know in elliatopia, there is the drone drop system. How about we keep our sales longer for a fee? (like 1k coins for an extra 5 days?). We should also have a way to know which items WE put to sale, instead of remembering it. (So that we don't accidentally buy our own item) (In Pixel Worlds, your offers and sales are indicated with a different color).

Finally, there are some items categories, but i feel like adding classes would also help (like being able to only see helmets for archer class, or to see only bows weapons)

11) About the drone donation event: The drone donation event seem broken curently.
- sometimes, nothing drops on my screen (and to everyone else) for 10+ minutes (which i'm not even sure it should last that long)
- the drop / drone is so laggy that the drops can be heaviliy misplaced (like the actual item is dropped 15 feet away from you, despite you being very close under the drone, not to mention the perspective problems). This could be related to server problems / delays too. When i'm farming monsters in an area with other people, the loot often "teleport" somewhere else, which could be fairly far. This is very problematic if the monster drop a good loot (like a rune)
- i'm afraid that players with the highest connection have an advantage, like being able to collect items before anyone else can.

How about making it a lottery system where everyone have a chance to get something? Like every few seconds, the drone will random announce a username (of a player currently in the area), then 2 seconds later, it will drop an item that ONLY that player can take (for a certain ammount of time at least). The hardest part will be to make it so that each players will have some ok-good loot, with some lucky players getting very good loot (the "lucky winners"). Another hard part of this idea is guaranting everyone will have around the same number of loot (we need to avoid player A receiving 5 greats loots, and player B receiving only 1 ok loot). The drone name selections need to be a controlled random event. One last problem about this idea is to manage players who join the event in the middle of the drone event (and if it affect other players drops, or do we make the drone create some random ok-good loot for the new players, and have only the very good loot drop at the end of the event?). Up to you if you want to keep the drone items comming from the unsold items from the vending machine (or if you change the % of items put at the drone), or if we just give completely random items everytime. I also feel like crafting materials (like monster bones) and food shouldn't be in the drone events at all. Also maybe have a minimum item drop level? (like only lvl 5+ items, with runes at the end of the event).

12) About player number restrictions: while i understand the reasons with the plot, i feel it is unfair for players to force them to wait for a certain number of players in order to progress. 2 major exemples of this are the leafling bridge (require 3 players to open a bridge that lead to nowhere dangerous), and the nature factory, where most players just skip the roadblock by using magic barrier + grenade exploit, blocking players who can't do it. I think remove ALL of these player number roadblocks, but add extra danger signs (like player number recommendations, or lvl recommendations). Forcing players to do something they won't enjoy (waitting for more people in a specific areas) isn't really a good design choice.

13) About nature factory challenge: Speaking of the nature factory, surviving for 4 x 3 minutes is asking way too much for players who visit for the first time. The areas are very small, with several dangerous hasards, and the enemies are fairly strong. If you die, it's just a pain to redo everything again. Either remove all of the timers (let players freely explore everywhere), or make it like 4 x 30 sec.

14) About the wishing well: there is a big design flaw with this even: the event time is always fixed to 0:00 AM, which severly handicap certain players who are in the middle of the night, sleeping, irl due to timeszones. I strongly suggest to remove the story about "midnight" and instead make the well event timer every 20 hours. So the well would activate in order: 0:00 AM, 20:00 PM, 16:00 PM, 12:00 PM, 8:00 AM, 4:00 AM, 0:00 AM (of course, with a way to tell when the next well will activate, like drone donation event. With maybe an approximation of how much money in the well currently?). Another idea would be to make the Eliatopia planet day cycle only last 20 irl hours (since it's another planet, why not create a different time system?). I do realise this idea can get confusing for some players.

15) About the new payvault: the coin magnet: It make wishing well event WORSE, favoring pay to win players. Low-mid level players no longer have a good way to get some money, other than tedious long grind (since the lucky players who passed nature factory heavily relied on the wishing well to have some money). Right now, we see several high level players with this payvault item "stealing" most of the money (money that they barely need, since i'm sure at level 75+, gaining something 100k isn't really big deal. 100k is around something you can expect to see in total during wishing well event. Sometimes it's a little more). I STRONGLY suggest to forcefully disable coin magnet between 11:58 PM to 0:02 AM ONLY in area 68, or to make the well's money unaffected by the coin magnet.

It's a shame really, i was fine with any other payvault items (most of them are purely cosmetics. There are a few usefull items like points reset, but doesn't give an unfair advantage. And as far as i'm aware, global xp only affect the XP, not the coins you get, which is for now the main problem)

Up until now, i tryed to list extremly major issues with the game currently. The few issues that i will list next have a smaller priority, but would be very nice to see them changed too.

16) Crafting materials: The enemy materials doesn't seem to have much use, compared to how many we get. It is very easy to collect lot of certain materials (like monster bones, shellshocker spike, ...). The missions are limited in items numbers, the forging is rarely used (Who already used 500 metal chunk? No one? Not surprising), and the shop selling price is non-existant. Yes you can try to sell them in item vendors machines, but again, who is going to buy a large quantity of materials? Not to mention, the player's price vary from a few coins to a lot of money (not counting "troll" prices). I suggest giving each materials a shop vending price:
squisher brain: 50
monster leaf: 1 000 (very long to get it from petunia, compared to leafings)
crab leg: 250
glass of slime: 100 (while the normal player will have a very hard time grinding a few of these, a OP player can grind the boss for lot of this material.
rafflesia leaf: 400
monster wood: 200 (same argument with glass of slime)
monster rock: 1 250
monster bone: 500
great frog eye: 750
metal chunk: 1 500
shellshocker spike: 1 250
small mushroom: 2 000

Of course, those selling prices can (and most likely, will) be adjusted, if the idea pass.

17) Runes stones: Honestly, i'm not very experienced to know how good/usefull they are, and how much a stone really cost, or if i should even sell them (i think i should keep them until i obtain late-game gear). I think the stones drops are still way too rare for how many we can use though (for ONE piece of equipement, you can use a total 5 x 6 = 30 different stones, which is a lot). So... either massively buff stones drop chances (we also need a way to know for sure which enemy drop which rune. Or better yet, add the drop tables + drop chances for all enemies in the bestiary), or create several shops vending the stones:
Teplar village: lvl 1 and 2 stones
Alion city: lvl 3 stones
Shroom Borough: lvl 4 stones
second resistance house (area 100): lvl 5 stones

18) Platforming: Some parts that require precision should be bigger, because it is very hard to judge where to jump with the perspective: bigger wood switches (the singing trees), bigger platforms to jump in area 57, bigger mushroom switches, bigger piano keys. An indicator on where your character is actually on the ground (while jumping) can help too. Quick mention: the platform section to reach the 2nd bargain bin in area 57 is completely useless, because of how far away from your character you can click.

19) Areas shortcuts: i think fair that once you reach a certain point of the story (or specific areas), you can permanently unlock shortcuts / different roads (no i'm not talking about the payvault). Here are some exemples:
"area 26 > area 41": Once we reach area 41, the leftmost ladder inside the sewers is lowered down, granting us another (quicker) access to Alion city. This will prevent most players from getting bullied in PvP areas when all they want is to cross the area to reach Alion city (Especially from people who focus on spawn camping, or think killing a low level player over and over is fun. I'm sorry, but for me, that's just plain bullying. If he doesn't want to fight you, just leave him alone, no reason to act like a jerk and ruin his day.
"area 59 > area 73": Once we reach area 73, the ladder at area 59 is lowered, granting another passage to acess Shroom Borough by passing through the tropics.
Once you inputed the piano password once, the ice cave remain permanently open to you (to avoid having to redo it everytime you want to visit the ice caves)
"area 32 > area 89": once we reach the consciousness research facility (maybe learn another password?
like the one for "area 7 > area 32").

20) Mount problems: First, if you mount an enemy and change area, sometimes the BG turns black and your character + mount "fall" endlessly in the void. Sometimes, your character and mount sprites glitch a bit. This force you to refresh the game, losing your mount. This make traveling with a mount near impossible. My suggestion for this issue? I mean... just fix the glitch duh.

Another thing, right now, mount does very little usefull. Maybe make them able to hit other enemies (while other enemies can also attack your mount). Also be able to pick coins + loot while riding an enemy.

21) Experience gauge: I wish we could see the exact exp we have currently, not just a percentage. Figuring how much exp% we gain by killing an enemy just create more trouble for the player.

22) About the ice cave: i feel like the ice blocks obstacles are just a waste of time. Either remove them or make it so that we can find a way through (even if it's not a straight line) without breaking them. No want want to spend 30+ seconds just to break 1 block, when the ice cave contain several of them. This is a MMORPG, not a mining game.

23) About the story: Considering eliatopia is a MMORPG that look childish (i mean, it's not GTA, ok?), i feel like the story seem too far-fetched (story about brain experiment, mind controlling creatures, society in favor of exterminating humans, ...). I wonder if all of this is morally fine to tell to kids who are going to play this game. While i didn't see an official age restriction or recommendation, mixing both childish graphics and more mature story doesn't seem to be an obvious choice. I'm not going to ask you to change the full story (if i did, we would be better creating a 3rd game at this point). But maybe add something for the younger players? Like an adapted story for them?

Then again, we are living in a society where some people consider owning guns is fine (at least for americans).

Sorry if that took very long to read, but as you can guess, i like to develop my arguments with facts (and no, i don't believe a lvl 75+ telling me i'm bad at the game is pertinent or useful) and logic, rather than just being mad at developers. Yes, i know Robby is mostly considering this game as a "business". Yes, i do understand he need to make some money (though we don't know if that's his main income, or if the game is just an extra profit from his irl job). And i suppose in the end, it will mostly depend of whether Robby care about his image, his reputation or not. If he want to strictly stay a business-man who do slightly scummy actions (like several business-man. I can give you several exemple of scummy actions, like misleading package of certain products found at your store), if he want to remain a bit lazy to fix (obvious) problems about his games, if he want to stay a very average game designer (who i'm not sure how much he learned from his previous game), that's technically his right, as long as he is aware of the consequences for the image he is showing to the community. Robby and only robby can effectively decide the future of this game: either by actively making it a better, improved version after each update, or something that will become more and more pay to win (which tend to not making good impressions). And the longer we take to fix problems, the more problems the developer will have to fix later (which explain why i listed lot of problems here)

Everyone is free to share their opinions about the issues i shared and my suggestions (there are numbers for a reason), as long as there is a good enough argument proving your opinion No, just being toxic by only saying stuff like "you are dumb", "you make no sense"; or having something close to a religious trust to Robby (stuff like "i love Robby and everything he do!", "Robby did nothing wrong") does NOT help anyone, especially Robby. Usually, the main way to make a developer improve his game is if that developer receive actual issues, not just opinions like "it's good" or "it's bad" that are empty opinions that doesn't point to a possible improvement. And before you complain about my in-game character: first, don't assume what i did in the game. Second, i have a fairly decent and various experience about playing games other than HH or Eliatoopia (Epic battle fantasy 5, if i were to name just one game in this forum), which give me lot of ideas. That being said, despite my best at being thorough, it is possible i could have missed some information, or some other major problem. Those are my current opinion of the game. Deal with it.


Re: Eliatopia's numerous problems + ideas to fix them

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:59 pm
by CrazyVanilla
I don't know if MaxBlue01 is your main account but judging by some of the things you have said in this thread, I'm going to assume you are not an overly high-level player. Not saying this as if it's a bad thing, actually quite a good thing for some of the points you make here because they pertain to the early-mid game, but just to say that as a high-level player myself, I can (and will) provide a little more insight to some of the things it seems you don't have a lot of experience with (which again is fine, just wanted to point that out).

1) The economy

I actually agree with pretty much everything you've said about this, though there is a bit of an issue with changing the shops price. This is one of the things I don't think you have experience with, is actually how much some of this equipment costs at a high level, I'm talking hundreds of hours' worth of grinding. On the most recent update, I purchased the new whipmaster set and whip, and have begun to upgrade it. I have spent over 120 million coins on this set so far, and it's not even close to maxed out. I estimate I will need another 80-100 million in order to actually max this set. If the shops price was changed, this would be devastating to players who have these pieces of gear. The values of their sets could be cut in half, not to mention changing the shops price also changes the price of re-selling loot, which would impact the degree of change it actually has. While this may have been a viable solution over a year ago before we got into the tens of millions for sets, at this point it is not a viable solution. Instead of changing prices, I believe money should be more freely generated. KOTH helped a bit with this for the mid to high level players, but even with that it still needs more. Different ways to make money would be great, in addition just a straight up drop rate increase (this would help the runes / stones problem you mentioned as well) is really needed, because the 25% increase we got a couple updates ago didn't really help. In a game like Eliatopia where you can't infinitely upgrade your player with money (comparing to HH), a slightly inflated economy isn't necessarily a bad thing, and actually would make newer players more apt to continue playing.

2) Underpowered equipment

Yeah, this is something a lot of players complain about. Also, I agree with the second part you mentioned. If you join the Eliatopia discord we do have some of that information available (and people you can ask about it and other things), but Robby himself doesn't actually post any of that info anywhere publicly, which I agree he should make it more available.

3) Major Difficulty Spike

This is something that I actually don't agree with. While I am not a supporter of hard-limiting players from exploring (for example a level cap in areas, etc), I do think the enemies and areas themselves should sort of provide a limit to that by adjusting the difficulty according to the target level. I just don't think it's really a necessity, or even a good idea to make areas with mobs designed for level 40's easily accessible to level 20's if that makes more sense, the whole idea is to work your way up. To add onto that, when I first started it was really cool knowing there were more areas to explore that I couldn't reach yet because I wasn't strong enough. It served almost as motivation to keep playing in order to get stronger and explore more. With all that being said, I know you mentioned the Auroch Beetle as an example. From what I remember, Robby intended these mobs to be for roughly level 45-55 players, in that range. With that in mind, do you still think they are too tough?

4) Item looting.

Yup, would love to see a loot cooldown, and also personally I'd like to see a different loot system for bosses which I just suggested earlier.

5) Toggle skills

I am meh on this. Wouldn't hate it but also don't really want it, eventually you get used to the movements and it's part of the skill aspect in pvp.

6) Guns

YES! Finally, someone understands this. I have been saying this for so long and no one seems to understand it. With the exception of the pellet spitter, 2-handed guns are essentially useless compared to their 1-handed counterparts, and a lot of the 1-handed guns are extremely overpowered for such low-level requirements.

7) Whipmaster hitboxes

Although I very rarely use the normal attack, I have noticed this. In addition, the hit detection for whipmaster is horrible. In PVP I will be right next to players and hitting them and my hits don't register at all, and for enemies it's so hard to see the difference between a tip and non-tip hit.

8) Skills

Sacrifice - I don't mind the sacrifice skills. I mean, you are not forced to update them, and there is the description of what they do. A lot of players use these skills for grinding if they don't pvp because it gives a big damage boost, and as a higher level its normally really hard to die outside of pvp.

Warriors - Warriors are actually incredibly tanky and high damage if you max out all the skills. The downside is their slow af lol. I actually wouldn't mind upgrade paths, that would be really neat and allow for some unique stat and skill builds to go along with it, but warrior is definitely not a glass cannon at all.

Loot and Coin theif - One of the most supported suggestions

Storm cloud - I would support showing the entire area that the cloud can strike in because sometimes it feels like I'm really far away and still get hit by it, but other than that I wouldn't support anything else. I think showing exactly where the strike will land would be an insane nerf to the cloud, which isn't really needed at all.

Cooldowns - Meh, I don't think it's really needed right now. PvP is very skill spammy, that's how it's always been but it's also how it needs to be because of how OP the skills are compared to normal attacks. If you've ever seen high levels fight, you'll notice none ever use their base attacks (besides cowboy, which doesn't rlly have anything else to use). If you had to use base attacks, no one would ever die, you need the skill spam to actually kill people.

Coin thief rework - another highly supported suggestion, as long as it does infact become a general skill. Archers do not need another buff themselves, especially with already having the drop rate increase.

19) Bargain Bins

Honestly, I just wanna see the items clear after like a month. No ones ever going to buy 90% of the items in these bins, they have been in there for 3+ months and will continue to stay.

10) Vending machines

Support, ordering items might be a bit odd tho. Maybe that would be best being separate from the vending machines. Also, I don't really think the time aspect is a big deal. You can just buy your own item back before the 5 day expiration.

11) Drone

Yah pretty sure its broken rn

12) Player number restrictions

I think after doing a lot of these things once with other players, you should unlock the ability to do it solo thereafter.

13) Nature fac

See #3

14) Wishing Well


15) Wishing well part 2

While I don't think high levels being there is relevant at all, they need money just as everyone else does still, I do support disabling coin magnet here cuz that is pretty op and just kinda defeats the purpose of it.

16) Crafting Materials

Yeah. I wanted to see more HH style crafting to give something to do other than just kill mobs, this is kinda pointless honestly unless its expanded on. I have enough crafting materials to buy every set in the game 100 times.

17) Runes and Stones

Runes and Stones are incredibly useful, but also expensive to apply. For example, a Venom whip costs like 7-8m to buy clean, a maxed Venom whip costs around $45 million to make (not including buying the actual runes or stones you need). I do not support buying them from shops, however I do think a general drop rate increase of everything should be done, which would help the shortage of certain runes and stones.

18) yup

19) Shortcuts

The portal booth helps with this but yeah, some shortcuts wouldn't be bad. But pvp is pvp, the whole point of the shortcut being through pvp was to make it difficult since its insanely faster than going the long way. I don't spawn camp but I will kill everyone in pvp cuz thats what I'm there for :D

20) known issue

21) While I'm curious of this, I actually prefer the %.

22) If you are high enough level to grind in the ice caves, the blocks are pretty quick to break. This is relevant to #3 as well.
MaxBlue01 wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:06 pm
Then again, we are living in a society where some people consider owning guns is fine (at least for americans).
It is.

And yes, Indie game development is Robby's fulltime job, he has confirmed that before.

Re: Eliatopia's numerous problems + ideas to fix them

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:44 pm
by Zeltonn
I was gonna make an entire essay, but yall did it for me

Re: Eliatopia's numerous problems + ideas to fix them

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:48 pm
by Zeltonn
CrazyVanilla wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:59 pm
I don't know if MaxBlue01 is your main account but judging by some of the things you have said in this thread, I'm going to assume you are not an overly high-level player. Not saying this as if it's a bad thing, actually quite a good thing for some of the points you make here because they pertain to the early-mid game, but just to say that as a high-level player myself, I can (and will) provide a little more insight to some of the things it seems you don't have a lot of experience with (which again is fine, just wanted to point that out).

1) The economy

I actually agree with pretty much everything you've said about this, though there is a bit of an issue with changing the shops price. This is one of the things I don't think you have experience with, is actually how much some of this equipment costs at a high level, I'm talking hundreds of hours' worth of grinding. On the most recent update, I purchased the new whipmaster set and whip, and have begun to upgrade it. I have spent over 120 million coins on this set so far, and it's not even close to maxed out. I estimate I will need another 80-100 million in order to actually max this set. If the shops price was changed, this would be devastating to players who have these pieces of gear. The values of their sets could be cut in half, not to mention changing the shops price also changes the price of re-selling loot, which would impact the degree of change it actually has. While this may have been a viable solution over a year ago before we got into the tens of millions for sets, at this point it is not a viable solution. Instead of changing prices, I believe money should be more freely generated. KOTH helped a bit with this for the mid to high level players, but even with that it still needs more. Different ways to make money would be great, in addition just a straight up drop rate increase (this would help the runes / stones problem you mentioned as well) is really needed, because the 25% increase we got a couple updates ago didn't really help. In a game like Eliatopia where you can't infinitely upgrade your player with money (comparing to HH), a slightly inflated economy isn't necessarily a bad thing, and actually would make newer players more apt to continue playing.

2) Underpowered equipment

Yeah, this is something a lot of players complain about. Also, I agree with the second part you mentioned. If you join the Eliatopia discord we do have some of that information available (and people you can ask about it and other things), but Robby himself doesn't actually post any of that info anywhere publicly, which I agree he should make it more available.

3) Major Difficulty Spike

This is something that I actually don't agree with. While I am not a supporter of hard-limiting players from exploring (for example a level cap in areas, etc), I do think the enemies and areas themselves should sort of provide a limit to that by adjusting the difficulty according to the target level. I just don't think it's really a necessity, or even a good idea to make areas with mobs designed for level 40's easily accessible to level 20's if that makes more sense, the whole idea is to work your way up. To add onto that, when I first started it was really cool knowing there were more areas to explore that I couldn't reach yet because I wasn't strong enough. It served almost as motivation to keep playing in order to get stronger and explore more. With all that being said, I know you mentioned the Auroch Beetle as an example. From what I remember, Robby intended these mobs to be for roughly level 45-55 players, in that range. With that in mind, do you still think they are too tough?

4) Item looting.

Yup, would love to see a loot cooldown, and also personally I'd like to see a different loot system for bosses which I just suggested earlier.

5) Toggle skills

I am meh on this. Wouldn't hate it but also don't really want it, eventually you get used to the movements and it's part of the skill aspect in pvp.

6) Guns

YES! Finally, someone understands this. I have been saying this for so long and no one seems to understand it. With the exception of the pellet spitter, 2-handed guns are essentially useless compared to their 1-handed counterparts, and a lot of the 1-handed guns are extremely overpowered for such low-level requirements.

7) Whipmaster hitboxes

Although I very rarely use the normal attack, I have noticed this. In addition, the hit detection for whipmaster is horrible. In PVP I will be right next to players and hitting them and my hits don't register at all, and for enemies it's so hard to see the difference between a tip and non-tip hit.

8) Skills

Sacrifice - I don't mind the sacrifice skills. I mean, you are not forced to update them, and there is the description of what they do. A lot of players use these skills for grinding if they don't pvp because it gives a big damage boost, and as a higher level its normally really hard to die outside of pvp.

Warriors - Warriors are actually incredibly tanky and high damage if you max out all the skills. The downside is their slow af lol. I actually wouldn't mind upgrade paths, that would be really neat and allow for some unique stat and skill builds to go along with it, but warrior is definitely not a glass cannon at all.

Loot and Coin theif - One of the most supported suggestions

Storm cloud - I would support showing the entire area that the cloud can strike in because sometimes it feels like I'm really far away and still get hit by it, but other than that I wouldn't support anything else. I think showing exactly where the strike will land would be an insane nerf to the cloud, which isn't really needed at all.

Cooldowns - Meh, I don't think it's really needed right now. PvP is very skill spammy, that's how it's always been but it's also how it needs to be because of how OP the skills are compared to normal attacks. If you've ever seen high levels fight, you'll notice none ever use their base attacks (besides cowboy, which doesn't rlly have anything else to use). If you had to use base attacks, no one would ever die, you need the skill spam to actually kill people.

Coin thief rework - another highly supported suggestion, as long as it does infact become a general skill. Archers do not need another buff themselves, especially with already having the drop rate increase.

19) Bargain Bins

Honestly, I just wanna see the items clear after like a month. No ones ever going to buy 90% of the items in these bins, they have been in there for 3+ months and will continue to stay.

10) Vending machines

Support, ordering items might be a bit odd tho. Maybe that would be best being separate from the vending machines. Also, I don't really think the time aspect is a big deal. You can just buy your own item back before the 5 day expiration.

11) Drone

Yah pretty sure its broken rn

12) Player number restrictions

I think after doing a lot of these things once with other players, you should unlock the ability to do it solo thereafter.

13) Nature fac

See #3

14) Wishing Well


15) Wishing well part 2

While I don't think high levels being there is relevant at all, they need money just as everyone else does still, I do support disabling coin magnet here cuz that is pretty op and just kinda defeats the purpose of it.

16) Crafting Materials

Yeah. I wanted to see more HH style crafting to give something to do other than just kill mobs, this is kinda pointless honestly unless its expanded on. I have enough crafting materials to buy every set in the game 100 times.

17) Runes and Stones

Runes and Stones are incredibly useful, but also expensive to apply. For example, a Venom whip costs like 7-8m to buy clean, a maxed Venom whip costs around $45 million to make (not including buying the actual runes or stones you need). I do not support buying them from shops, however I do think a general drop rate increase of everything should be done, which would help the shortage of certain runes and stones.

18) yup

19) Shortcuts

The portal booth helps with this but yeah, some shortcuts wouldn't be bad. But pvp is pvp, the whole point of the shortcut being through pvp was to make it difficult since its insanely faster than going the long way. I don't spawn camp but I will kill everyone in pvp cuz thats what I'm there for :D

20) known issue

21) While I'm curious of this, I actually prefer the %.

22) If you are high enough level to grind in the ice caves, the blocks are pretty quick to break. This is relevant to #3 as well.
MaxBlue01 wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:06 pm
Then again, we are living in a society where some people consider owning guns is fine (at least for americans).
It is.

And yes, Indie game development is Robby's fulltime job, he has confirmed that before.
Honestly cv, hats off to maxblue1 for putting in the effort, time and plus PAYING attention to small and BIG details...
Even i noticed some but i cant take critisim... (however thats spelt)
Good thread and i support EVERYTHING here except: 16 and 17...

Re: Eliatopia's numerous problems + ideas to fix them

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:29 pm
by TheWood
Honestly cv, hats off to maxblue1 for putting in the effort, time and plus PAYING attention to small and BIG details...
Even i noticed some but i cant take critisim... (however thats spelt)
Good thread and i support EVERYTHING here except: 16 and 17...
[/quote]Some runes really need a buff in drop rate or new monsters, support for 17.

Re: Eliatopia's numerous problems + ideas to fix them

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:54 pm
by Zeltonn
TheWood wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:29 pm
Zeltonn wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:48 pm
CrazyVanilla wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:59 pm
I don't know if MaxBlue01 is your main account but judging by some of the things you have said in this thread, I'm going to assume you are not an overly high-level player. Not saying this as if it's a bad thing, actually quite a good thing for some of the points you make here because they pertain to the early-mid game, but just to say that as a high-level player myself, I can (and will) provide a little more insight to some of the things it seems you don't have a lot of experience with (which again is fine, just wanted to point that out).

1) The economy

I actually agree with pretty much everything you've said about this, though there is a bit of an issue with changing the shops price. This is one of the things I don't think you have experience with, is actually how much some of this equipment costs at a high level, I'm talking hundreds of hours' worth of grinding. On the most recent update, I purchased the new whipmaster set and whip, and have begun to upgrade it. I have spent over 120 million coins on this set so far, and it's not even close to maxed out. I estimate I will need another 80-100 million in order to actually max this set. If the shops price was changed, this would be devastating to players who have these pieces of gear. The values of their sets could be cut in half, not to mention changing the shops price also changes the price of re-selling loot, which would impact the degree of change it actually has. While this may have been a viable solution over a year ago before we got into the tens of millions for sets, at this point it is not a viable solution. Instead of changing prices, I believe money should be more freely generated. KOTH helped a bit with this for the mid to high level players, but even with that it still needs more. Different ways to make money would be great, in addition just a straight up drop rate increase (this would help the runes / stones problem you mentioned as well) is really needed, because the 25% increase we got a couple updates ago didn't really help. In a game like Eliatopia where you can't infinitely upgrade your player with money (comparing to HH), a slightly inflated economy isn't necessarily a bad thing, and actually would make newer players more apt to continue playing.

2) Underpowered equipment

Yeah, this is something a lot of players complain about. Also, I agree with the second part you mentioned. If you join the Eliatopia discord we do have some of that information available (and people you can ask about it and other things), but Robby himself doesn't actually post any of that info anywhere publicly, which I agree he should make it more available.

3) Major Difficulty Spike

This is something that I actually don't agree with. While I am not a supporter of hard-limiting players from exploring (for example a level cap in areas, etc), I do think the enemies and areas themselves should sort of provide a limit to that by adjusting the difficulty according to the target level. I just don't think it's really a necessity, or even a good idea to make areas with mobs designed for level 40's easily accessible to level 20's if that makes more sense, the whole idea is to work your way up. To add onto that, when I first started it was really cool knowing there were more areas to explore that I couldn't reach yet because I wasn't strong enough. It served almost as motivation to keep playing in order to get stronger and explore more. With all that being said, I know you mentioned the Auroch Beetle as an example. From what I remember, Robby intended these mobs to be for roughly level 45-55 players, in that range. With that in mind, do you still think they are too tough?

4) Item looting.

Yup, would love to see a loot cooldown, and also personally I'd like to see a different loot system for bosses which I just suggested earlier.

5) Toggle skills

I am meh on this. Wouldn't hate it but also don't really want it, eventually you get used to the movements and it's part of the skill aspect in pvp.

6) Guns

YES! Finally, someone understands this. I have been saying this for so long and no one seems to understand it. With the exception of the pellet spitter, 2-handed guns are essentially useless compared to their 1-handed counterparts, and a lot of the 1-handed guns are extremely overpowered for such low-level requirements.

7) Whipmaster hitboxes

Although I very rarely use the normal attack, I have noticed this. In addition, the hit detection for whipmaster is horrible. In PVP I will be right next to players and hitting them and my hits don't register at all, and for enemies it's so hard to see the difference between a tip and non-tip hit.

8) Skills

Sacrifice - I don't mind the sacrifice skills. I mean, you are not forced to update them, and there is the description of what they do. A lot of players use these skills for grinding if they don't pvp because it gives a big damage boost, and as a higher level its normally really hard to die outside of pvp.

Warriors - Warriors are actually incredibly tanky and high damage if you max out all the skills. The downside is their slow af lol. I actually wouldn't mind upgrade paths, that would be really neat and allow for some unique stat and skill builds to go along with it, but warrior is definitely not a glass cannon at all.

Loot and Coin theif - One of the most supported suggestions

Storm cloud - I would support showing the entire area that the cloud can strike in because sometimes it feels like I'm really far away and still get hit by it, but other than that I wouldn't support anything else. I think showing exactly where the strike will land would be an insane nerf to the cloud, which isn't really needed at all.

Cooldowns - Meh, I don't think it's really needed right now. PvP is very skill spammy, that's how it's always been but it's also how it needs to be because of how OP the skills are compared to normal attacks. If you've ever seen high levels fight, you'll notice none ever use their base attacks (besides cowboy, which doesn't rlly have anything else to use). If you had to use base attacks, no one would ever die, you need the skill spam to actually kill people.

Coin thief rework - another highly supported suggestion, as long as it does infact become a general skill. Archers do not need another buff themselves, especially with already having the drop rate increase.

19) Bargain Bins

Honestly, I just wanna see the items clear after like a month. No ones ever going to buy 90% of the items in these bins, they have been in there for 3+ months and will continue to stay.

10) Vending machines

Support, ordering items might be a bit odd tho. Maybe that would be best being separate from the vending machines. Also, I don't really think the time aspect is a big deal. You can just buy your own item back before the 5 day expiration.

11) Drone

Yah pretty sure its broken rn

12) Player number restrictions

I think after doing a lot of these things once with other players, you should unlock the ability to do it solo thereafter.

13) Nature fac

See #3

14) Wishing Well


15) Wishing well part 2

While I don't think high levels being there is relevant at all, they need money just as everyone else does still, I do support disabling coin magnet here cuz that is pretty op and just kinda defeats the purpose of it.

16) Crafting Materials

Yeah. I wanted to see more HH style crafting to give something to do other than just kill mobs, this is kinda pointless honestly unless its expanded on. I have enough crafting materials to buy every set in the game 100 times.

17) Runes and Stones

Runes and Stones are incredibly useful, but also expensive to apply. For example, a Venom whip costs like 7-8m to buy clean, a maxed Venom whip costs around $45 million to make (not including buying the actual runes or stones you need). I do not support buying them from shops, however I do think a general drop rate increase of everything should be done, which would help the shortage of certain runes and stones.

18) yup

19) Shortcuts

The portal booth helps with this but yeah, some shortcuts wouldn't be bad. But pvp is pvp, the whole point of the shortcut being through pvp was to make it difficult since its insanely faster than going the long way. I don't spawn camp but I will kill everyone in pvp cuz thats what I'm there for :D

20) known issue

21) While I'm curious of this, I actually prefer the %.

22) If you are high enough level to grind in the ice caves, the blocks are pretty quick to break. This is relevant to #3 as well.

It is.

And yes, Indie game development is Robby's fulltime job, he has confirmed that before.
Honestly cv, hats off to maxblue1 for putting in the effort, time and plus PAYING attention to small and BIG details...
Even i noticed some but i cant take critisim... (however thats spelt)
Good thread and i support EVERYTHING here except: 16 and 17...
Some runes really need a buff in drop rate or new monsters, support for 17.
Bro pick a side. In a topic, some ppl wanted runes to acutally have no buff or make it rarer... u even supported that idea... i didnt... so pick a side...
btw i was ment to actually just put 16 since i didnt read properly

Re: Eliatopia's numerous problems + ideas to fix them

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:22 am
by TheWood
Zeltonn wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:54 pm
TheWood wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:29 pm
Zeltonn wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:48 pm

Honestly cv, hats off to maxblue1 for putting in the effort, time and plus PAYING attention to small and BIG details...
Even i noticed some but i cant take critisim... (however thats spelt)
Good thread and i support EVERYTHING here except: 16 and 17...
Some runes really need a buff in drop rate or new monsters, support for 17.
Bro pick a side. In a topic, some ppl wanted runes to acutally have no buff or make it rarer... u even supported that idea... i didnt... so pick a side...
btw i was ment to actually just put 16 since i didnt read properly
I support increasing chance for dropping runes, but that only one player can get F5 or P5 because his damage is the most, i don't support it. Would be better if everyone in top 3-5 could get loot of same level, but with different chance of loot.

Re: Eliatopia's numerous problems + ideas to fix them

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:52 pm
by Zeltonn
TheWood wrote:
Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:22 am
Zeltonn wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:54 pm
TheWood wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:29 pm
Some runes really need a buff in drop rate or new monsters, support for 17.
Bro pick a side. In a topic, some ppl wanted runes to acutally have no buff or make it rarer... u even supported that idea... i didnt... so pick a side...
btw i was ment to actually just put 16 since i didnt read properly
I support increasing chance for dropping runes, but that only one player can get F5 or P5 because his damage is the most, i don't support it. Would be better if everyone in top 3-5 could get loot of same level, but with different chance of loot.
I donno bro, it seems unfair to me... while they get a better chance. We gotta grind with our chances even if its low...

Re: Eliatopia's numerous problems + ideas to fix them

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:23 pm
by TheWood
Zeltonn wrote:
Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:52 pm
TheWood wrote:
Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:22 am
Zeltonn wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:54 pm

Bro pick a side. In a topic, some ppl wanted runes to acutally have no buff or make it rarer... u even supported that idea... i didnt... so pick a side...
btw i was ment to actually just put 16 since i didnt read properly
I support increasing chance for dropping runes, but that only one player can get F5 or P5 because his damage is the most, i don't support it. Would be better if everyone in top 3-5 could get loot of same level, but with different chance of loot.
I donno bro, it seems unfair to me... while they get a better chance. We gotta grind with our chances even if its low...
It's better than splitting loot into levels and deny any chance to get a rune. Because you was 2-3 level, when rune needs 1 level.

Re: Eliatopia's numerous problems + ideas to fix them

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2022 9:35 pm
by MaxBlue01
Despite all my efforts, it doesn't seem like lot of people checked my ideas (or commented). Still, thanks to the few people who tryed giving their opinion, especially CrazyValilla. I would like to add a few more things, mostly in response to the previous comments:

> to CrazyValilla coment:
- yes, i don't have a lvl 50+ account for now, so my knowledge about late game is fairly limited. But i appreciate having a different view of the game from a higher lvl player.
- about the beetles (idea 3): i would like to point out i started killing puff monster, great frog, leafling and scorpee at lvls 25-35 (leafling being the last one). To be fair, i was taking some damage (especially from puff monster, which could have killed me in 2-3 hit, even if i can kill them 1-2 hit). Saying the beetles are made for lvl 45-55 still leave a big 10-15 level gap. Although i guess there are still those stalagmite, but they are fairly tanky. When i said "difficulty spike", i mean the normal grow of the player's stats doesn't match the grow of the enemy strength. I feel like the player go from a lefling to a beetle that is 3x stronger and more than 10x more tanky. Again, the player only get very few points per level up (compared to enemy evolution), and the equipments stats are also limited. Right now, you need to grind for a while against monsters you can 1-2 hit kill (for warrior and archer anyway, since the rest are more about number of attacks rather than attack power)
- about guns stats (idea 6): i guess i'm glad you *agree* with me, but i would still like to remind everyone that i'm not 100% sure that's how it work in the end. This is especially true against tanky enemies. The stats provided assume the enemy have no (or very low) defence. If the enemy defence is very high, we can have a pellet spitter doing 0-1 damage per hit (so at most 514 dmg/min, and it can be much lower depending of the ratio of 0 and 1), while other guns will deal more damage per shots. Once again, all of this doesn't include runes effects, especially poison.
- about PvP fights (while talking about whipmaster hitboxes, idea 7)): an additional problem here that concern everyone and any class is the servers delays. Just because you see someone on your screen at a specific location, it doesn't mean he is *actually here*. Here is experiment you can try: explore the world until you find someone *afk*. Try pushing him a good distance. After that, exit the area, then re-enter immediately. Most of the time, that afk player will return to his previous position, because he never actually moved.
- about skills (cooldown idea, idea 8): i'm just tired to see non-stop brainless spam (especially grenade spam or snake spam) that feel like a lazy way to fight, instead of using real gameplay skills. Spam is never a good design choice for PvP.

> about loot stealing measure (idea 4): the reason i choose that the one dealing the most damage to an enemy get the loot first is because the game need a way to choose a player to prioritise the loot. Realistically, there was only 2 options: either the player who deal the most damage to an enemy (which sounded the most fair. hard work = reward), or the player who land the final hit (which would be open to loot kill stealing). Reminder, for this measure, i'm ONLY considering normal enemies, not the bosses. For the bosses, it should be some kind of dupplicate loot for everyone, or loot based on the ammount of work you did against the boss, with some random chance (or boss items go to your inventory directly, and the items you receive depends on your work against the boss + some luck).
> about crafting materials (idea 16): right now, i feel like the amount we gain is a big waste or ressources. I only made an attempt to make those more usefull. The idea is to make those crafting materials actualy more valuable (and not considered trash after some time). As to how much valuable, that's up to everyone's opinion.
> about runes (idea 17) i understand your issue with the shop idea, especially considering HH doing it too. Aparently, the drop rate of runes "increased by 25%", but if the base chance is extremly low, that buff is very negligeable (if we assume the original chance was 1/2 000, then after the 25% buff, it would be 1/1 600, which is still very low). Another problem i forgot to mention about the runes, is the drop distribution among enemies. From what i understand, weak monsters drop only low lvl stones, while strong monsters drop only high lvl stones. However, in order to use those high lvl stones, you still need the low lvl stones. By the time you can obtain some high lvl stones, it feel wrong for a high lvl player to grind weak monsters just for runes, especially when normal players are grinding those weak monsters for exp.

again, i understand it's unfair for players who already grinded a lot, but that's what "improving the game" mean. The V.1.0.0 is still very recent, and like most games, it is normal to expect various balance changes, and everyone will have their opinions (some will be glad, others will hat the changes). The goal of a balance change is to BALANCE the gameplay for everyone, not favoring certain players (especially high lvl player who monopolise most of the economy). Otherwise, it's becoming more a game made for high level players while discouraging new players.

I really hope more players try to join the discussion, give me their opinions about my ideas (it's fine to disagree with me if you can explain it). I also wish to have Robby's opinion about my ideas (or at the very least that the problems i listed are pertinent). I'm not saying it's going to be easy to implement some of them (either because players will be mad, or because it's hard to program those ideas, ...)