Donation Drone Replacement (Long Thread)

Stuff you would like to see in the world of Eliatopia.
Joined:Mon May 10, 2021 11:22 pm
Donation Drone Replacement (Long Thread)

Post by _Twig_ » Fri May 28, 2021 2:53 pm

Now I think we can all say that the drone isn't the best thing ever. It's chaotic, everyone forms a mosh pit, trolls try to lag the game with grenades, sometimes even the drone stops dropping completely. It's basically a no-go zone for people with potato PCs.

What about an auction house where things are a little more organized?
We keep the 5-day vendor thing and a little part of the lost items after 5 days gets sent to the auction house Items auction at different times such as worst-best and runes Different auction time replacement board People can bid gold amounts, the highest bidder gets the item.

Also maybe once a day there will be a drawing for a free item to keep the donation drone vibe.

Auction house design:


Fancy interior?
inside can be an ATM where people can get all their money quickly and easily from
Chairs: About 30 so big room
Stand where NPC announces items that are getting auctioned


Building itself can be antiquated
A fence like the one at the railroad tracks where rides such as scorpees, auroch beetles, or night stalkers are unable to get in with 2 guard NPCs whose dialog is "No rides allowed!"

I think this would be a great addition to the game and a good donation drone replacement

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